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What Are The Benefits Of Voluntary Reporting On Sustainability Activities?

December 15, 2021

AAEC Newsletter: December 2021 (Formerly known as the IFRS Helpline Newsletter)

Why are small and medium-sized companies increasingly concerned with the question of how they can report on their sustainability activities in a structured and transparent manner?

The IFRS Foundation plans to establish a new standard-setter for the creation of international So far, there is no reporting obligation for these companies.

If the draft of the EU CSR Directive is implemented 1:1 (which is currently questionable) and this Directive is then also implemented 1:1 into the respective national law of the EU member states (which is likely to be even more questionable), then companies with more than 250 employees would have to prepare a sustainability report from 2023.

But in my opinion, this topic is not at all about the question of whether companies have a formal obligation to prepare a sustainability report or not. In the coming years, personal motives and the de facto compulsion of the markets will lead to medium-sized companies also dealing intensively with the topic of sustainability reporting.