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Profitability Through Accountability: Plugging the Leaky …

Type: Webinar with NA CPE

23 August 2022 2:00 pm ET
23 August 2022 4:00 pm ET

2:00 pm- 4:00 pm ET

Profitability Through Accountability: Plugging the Leaky Bucket

2 hrs CPE/CPD in Taxes 
Program Level: Intermediate

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Note: This webinar is hosted by the Center for Accounting Transformation. AGN is sponsoring spots for our members to attend. Register here and you will receive information on how to connect to the webinar directly from the C4AT. 

While most firms focus on top line growth, the most successful firms place equal if not greater importance on margin contribution. There are many factors that can impact margin, and evolving trends including alternative pricing models, alternative staffing models, and better overall processes to ensure that firms can make a profit on their engagements. In this course, we will discuss they key KPIs and pain points related to the factors that can impact profit margin, and present leading practices in each designed to improve the dollars you keep vs. the time you spend on client engagements.
Bill Penczak spent the first 20 years of his career as a billable consultant for large national firms, and for the past 18 years has focused on professional services firms, including regional, national and global roles for EY, BDO, and Briggs & Veselka. In the past two years, two of his clients were cited as the fastest growing CPA firms in the country by Accounting Today magazine. He is regular contributor to CPA Trendlines on topics related to firm management, growth, and people issues.

Learning Objectives
• Identify common issues and benchmark data related to firm profitability
• Describe leading practices in better capture of time, WIP, and engagement management
• Identify how firms can use evolving strategies such as outsourcing/offshoring, resource sharing, and value billing to improve margin contribution

Speaker Bio

Bill Penczak
Client Transformation Officer

Center for Accounting Transformation

A thought leader on firm growth, culture, and profitability, Bill is laser-focused on developing the Center’s unique integrated approach for accounting firm transformation.

Through the examination of the current state and working with firm stakeholders to develop the desired state for a successful accounting firm, Bill provides education, coaching, and capability development with a focus on strategic planning, revenue growth, margin management, firm risk management and human resources.