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What Is Required For Sustainability Reporting?

January 14, 2022

AAEC Newsletter: January 2022

In the December newsletter, we discovered why small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) would be interested in sustainability reporting, even though they are not formally obligated to. But, what information is required for Sustainability Reporting?

Why are small and medium-sized companies increasingly concerned with the question of how they The CSRD proposal foresees a double materiality. A double materiality would change the materiality principle that has been used to date.

Up to now, matters are to be classified as significant if they are significant for business success and from an environmental or social point of view. If strictly interpreted, only very few items will need reporting. Matters are to be classified as significant if significant for either one or the other.

But what is meant by matters “from an environmental or social point of view”?