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In Search of Excellence – Looking again at iconic management books

April 13, 2022

AGN Global Business Voice: Business Alert

In a wave of publishing that took grip mainly in the 1980s and 90s, ‘management texts’ became the must-have shelf liner for millions of executives across the world. It was a period when some of the greatest management texts were published.

These books were lauded at the time as ‘breakthrough insights’ into how and why the successful companies were so …successful.

There are a group of books that sit on more executives’ bookshelves than any others and ensured their authors became instant management gurus capable of demanding huge speaker fees on the conference circuit.

In this edition of the AGN GBV: Business Alert, we highlight the best management books of their times and the trends in today’s best selling content. Have these books and author’s stood the test of time, and who are the metaphorical new kids on the block?