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Archives: Insights

Reform of the Swiss Succession Law

AGN EMEA Taxation Task Force (TTF) Newsletter

In Switzerland, new provisions on inheritance law will come into force on 1st January 2023 – What does this mean?

The new provisions will increase the available quota (of one’s property one can dispose of) for testators to plan their assets and beneficiaries. This allows testators to have a larger share of their estate available, e.g. for non-legal heirs.

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Cross-Border Employment: Tax Issues

Contributed by: BKL.

If there’s one area of tax that has gone from being a niche area to one where questions arise daily, it’s cross-border employment. Most often, it is in the context of UK companies hiring local people in a foreign jurisdiction or foreign companies remotely taking on UK-based employees; we also see numerous temporary cross-border assignments which present their own challenges.

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CSR Self-Check – How Sustainable Is Your Company?

News from the AGN EMEA Accounting, Auditing & Education Committee (AAEC)

Under the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), nearly 50,000 companies across Europe are required to provide more transparency on sustainability-related impacts, risks and opportunities.

To get a first orientation on how sustainable your company is already positioned, I have summarized some questions from a typical CSR Self-Check, which we usually use for projects for our clients.

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What’s the Difference Between a Resident and Non-Resident Alien?

Contributed by: James Moore.

U.S. citizens are subject to U.S. income tax on their income from all sources, domestic or foreign. If they have foreign source income taxed by the source country, they can seek relief from double taxation by way of the foreign tax credit, if allowed, under U.S. law or from an applicable bilateral tax treaty with the source country.

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BKL Becomes a Certified B Corporation

AGN member firm BKL in London are proud to announce that they are now a Certified B Corporation (B Corp): a worldwide community of businesses that meet high standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose.

B Lab, a US-based not-for-profit network, provides this certification. The B stands for Benefit for all.

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AGN Connection – NA Newsletter #41 I October 2022

In the U.S., October is recognized as Long-Term Care Planning and Financial Planning Month. These are great ‘excuses’ for AGN members to reach out to their clients and explore additional services that can be provided. AGN North America will use this month to give a post-busy season reboot to our educational content and member connections with the fall instances of Staff Training and the Fall Symposium. We hope to see you soon!

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Taxation of Cross-Border Inheritances and Gifts

AGN EMEA Taxation Task Force (TTF) Newsletter

Cross-border inheritances and gifts are on the rise due to the changes in life and work – what should you know?

We would like to draw your attention to cases in which the persons involved are residents in different countries, or the subject of the transfer are assets like real estate, cash assets or shares not held in the country of residence.

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The ‘First Set’ of EU Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)

News from the AGN EMEA Accounting, Auditing & Education Committee (AAEC):

On 29th April 2022, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRG) launched the public consultation process to draft the ‘first set’ of EU Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CRD) draft was submitted before the deadline of 8th August 2022 and included the application for the future ESRS.

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