EMEA Tax Cards 2021
A summary of the most relevant taxes in Europe, Middle East & Africa.
A summary of the most relevant taxes in Europe, Middle East & Africa.
Countries Comparison.
Bitcoin was originally intended as a commercial tradable currency that everyone could use day-to-day.
Every quarter, the AGN Worldwide Update is circulated to members to provide a glimpse of all the exciting things happening in AGN.
In commemoration of International Women’s Day.
IFRS 16: Presentation, Classification and Notes Disclosures
It’s hard to believe, but we are already halfway through 2021. Your AGN team is making big plans for the second half of the year. Beginning in August with the NextLeaders Bootcamp and the Major Firms Group meeting and spanning through the fall with other ADVANCE training and the North American Regional Meeting (with World Congress) in Miami, we are looking forward to various opportunities to connect with AGN members live and in living color.
In this edition, we continue to explore the real-life practicalities of cryptocurrency ownership – buying, storing and spending. Last time we looked at the rollercoaster changes in cryptocurrency prices, and now we consider safety, security and daily practicality.
Contributed by BKL.
If the United Kingdom offers a pro-business low tax environment in which to operate, with numerous valuable tax incentives available to help support companies operating there. It has, over many years, developed and maintained a wide-ranging Double Taxation Treaty network and acts as a natural bridge into Europe as a whole.
With an open environment to foreign participation, a range of tax and other incentives are available in aerospace, food processing, renewable energy, pharmaceuticals and electronics. But the most significant incentive for foreign companies to do business in Mexico is the IMMEX Maquiladora (factories) initiative.