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Archives: Insights

Webinar: Digital asset tax issues

Contributed by BKL.

If you’ve made large gains through investing in cryptocurrency, you may be planning to transfer your Our experts in blockchain and cryptocurrency tax were pleased to team up with Mackrell Solicitors and Armanino LLP to discuss digital asset tax on 25 May 2021.

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Making Sense of Cryptocurrencies: Part #1

What do you say when your client asks you about cryptocurrencies? In this short series of Global Business Voice (GBV) Business Alerts, we explore the unfolding phenomenon of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin chief amongst them. We are aiming to demystify the topic and put things in layman’s terms. In this GBV we unpack Bitcoin mining and why being bad for the planet might burst the bubble.

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AGN Connection – NA Newsletter #26 I May 2021

As AGN member firms come out of busy season, the AGN staff is here to provide some answers to the question: “What next?” There is something for everyone in the variety of topics to be covered on the upcoming webinars and roundtables.

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The Calm Before the Storm?

AGN Global Business Voice: The AGN Global Survey of how the Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) market has been affected by the Global Pandemic.

In this edition of the AGN Global Business Voice, data from our global AGN panel spread around the world gives us a very high-level global picture based on their opinion about what’s happening on the ground.

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