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Archives: Insights

James Moore & Co. Celebrates its 60th Anniversary!

We are thrilled to share the news that AGN North America firm James Moore & Co. is celebrating its 60th anniversary. Established in 1964 by James F. “Jim” Moore as a sole proprietorship accounting practice, the company has grown into a business consulting firm with five offices throughout Florida and nearly 300 employees nationwide.

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Future Trends in Digital Marketing

AGN Global Business Voice: Practice Management

While many firms are currently focused on addressing resource challenges, it’s crucial not to overlook the importance of staying updated on the latest marketing techniques driving revenue growth. By understanding contemporary digital marketing strategies, firms can position themselves to weather the current storm and emerge stronger. Some may even leverage these techniques for staff recruitment.

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Finance Act 2024 in France – What You Need to Know

AGN EMEA Tax Committee News.

Following the publication of the Finance Act 2024 in France, the four main points you should know include:

  1. Minimum taxation in France
  2. Phasing out CVAE (Company Value Added Contribution)
  3. Electronic invoice
  4. Green tax credit

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To Know Where You Are Going, You Must Have a Vision.

Contributed by: Gilligan Sheppard.

We’ve all planned holidays at some point in our lives. We envision what it will look like and anticipate how it will feel. That vision gives us something to look forward to and an incentive to do what we need to get there.

In a business context, the vision is where you want to be and what you want to be seen as or achieve. It could be long-term or even infinite. It’s what inspires your team to get out of bed and walk through the door every morning. The vision should always guide strategy and goals.

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INSIGHT: Your Gateway to Technical Excellence

Welcome to the first issue of INSIGHT – The Technical Resource Center (TRC) magazine.

In an industry where change is the only constant, staying ahead of the curve is imperative. That’s where the TRC comes in. Its value-building tools and resources will help you stay ahead and thrive in our ever-evolving technical landscape. Expand your firm’s technical capabilities and meet complex client challenges.

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Public Country-by-Country Reporting

AGN EMEA Tax Committee News

Public Country-by-Country Reporting – To what extent do large companies contribute to public prosperity through their taxes? Public Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) is a regulatory requirement for corporations to disclose detailed financial and operational information on a country-by-country basis.

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