AGN Global Business Voice: Practice Management
The digital era has revolutionized how businesses operate, compelling them to adopt digital technologies to remain competitive and relevant. The AGN Digital Maturity Diagnostic (DMDT) is an innovative tool designed to help organizations assess their digital maturity.
This tool is a significant development for AGN International, a global association of separate and independent accounting and advisory businesses. The AGN Digital Maturity Diagnostic assists members in understanding their progress on the digital transformation journey, identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.
The primary objective of this tool is to provide AGN members with an overview analysis of their digital capabilities. This analysis covers various dimensions such as strategy, processes, technology usage, and service delivery. By using this diagnostic, organizations can obtain a window into their relative digital maturity compared to other AGN members.
The DMDT also provides users with a high level report comprising a series of pointers on forward facing strategies – how they move from their level of maturity to the next.
A useful tool for AGN members to map where they are on their digital transformation journey.
For further information on this topic or anything relating to the AGN International association of accounting and advisory firms, or to become an AGN member, please email your closest AGN Regional Director (see below) or go direct to
Malcolm Ward
CEO AGN International
Jean Xu
AP Regional Manager
Mireia Rovira
CSA Regional Director
Marlijn Lawson
EMEA Regional Director
Cindy Frey CPA, CGMA
NA Regional Director
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