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Leadership & Regional Structure


Led with depth of industry experience, mutually governed

Our Global CEO Malcolm Ward reports to an International Board, elected by AGN’s members. Our International Board comprises of senior professionals from member firms in all of our three regions, ensuring that the benefit of their extensive experience and diversity of background is brought to bear.

The International Board is supported by a non-executive adviser, and a Shadow Board composed of “NextGen” members representing the main global geographies, increasing diversity of inputs and thinking.

Our three regions also have member-elected boards who work within one global brand and strategy to ensure that AGN services are embedded at a regional level, and developed to be relevant and valuable to the local membership.

With around 30 years of experience in a range of senior management and leadership roles in the accounting industry, Malcolm leads a team including other qualified CPA staff, dedicated to building value for AGN members and their clients, with a focus on service and standards.

Our International Board members

Brian M. Franklin, CPA
Brian M. Franklin, CPA
Chair, North America Representative

Weinstein Spira & Company, P.C. / USA

Andre Marius Le Prince
Andre Marius Le Prince
Vice Chair (Interim), EMEA Representative

WLP GmbH / Germany

Martin Felenda
Martin Felenda
Past Chair, EMEA Representative

Schaffer & Partner s.r.o. / Czech Republic

Greg Cusack
Asia Pacific Representative (to be ratified)

Ashfords Accountants & Advisory Pty Ltd / Australia

María Inés Rangel Gomez, CPA
Central & South America Representative (to be ratified)

Prieto Ruiz de Velasco, S.C. / Mexico

Adel Habib
Adel Habib
Middle East & Africa Representative

Adel Habib & Co / Jordan

Tony J. Sokic
Tony J. Sokic, CPA, CA
North America Representative

Adams & Miles LLP / Canada

Kerry W. Roe
Kerry W. Roe, CPA
North America Representative

Clark Schaefer Hackett / USA

Malcolm R. Ward, FCA
Company Secretary & Global CEO

AGN International / United Kingdom

Non-executive Board support

Our Shadow Board was established in 2022 to provide a non-executive support group our International Board. With members from across the globe, the Shadow Board’s mission is to bring fresh and diverse frames of reference to AGN’s governance and decision-making.

Robert R. Redwitz, CPA
Robert R. Redwitz, CPA
Non-Executive Board Adviser & Shadow Board Sponsor

Redwitz, Inc / USA

Greg Cusack
Dragana Bogetic
Asia Pacific

Ashfords Accountants & Advisory Pty Ltd / Australia

Marielos de Rueda
Guillermo Cuellar
Central & South America

Grupo ACC / El Salvador

Carsten Ernst
Lucy Hatton
Europe, Middle East & Africa

Dafferns / United Kingdom

Jim Rollins
Rebeca Denahan
North America

James Moore & Co. (USA)

Regional Chairs

Jana Broussard
Jana K. Broussard, CPA
Chair – Americas

Henry & Peters, PC / USA

Greg Cusack
Greg Cusack
Chair – Asia Pacific

Ashfords Accountants & Advisory Pty Ltd / Australia

Eric Seyvos
Chair – Europe, Middle East & Africa

BM& A, Paris, France

Our regions drive excellence and relevance

As a worldwide association, AGN’s three-way regional footprint is fundamental to our insight to local needs and markets that drives high standards and strong client service across the globe.

Members worldwide are committed to high standards and excellent client service, and within that framework our regions adapt to local requirements,  ensuring value and relevance to AGN members and their clients alike.

AGN services are coordinated by a Regional Director supported by a global team based in UK, USA, Canada, Mexico, Spain and China. 

We are an English speaking association to best service global business needs.  We pride ourselves on our local language capabilities at a regional level, including some programming and training in local languages.

Learn more about our regions…

The Americas region covers all the American continent, from Canada at the north to Argentina and Chile at the South. Americas region excels in sharing specialized knowledge and support with a strong infrastructure and collaborative knowledge sharing, which are priceless in helping members develop procedures and policies, stay ahead technically and lead their firms to successful growth strategies. A strong North-South client work axis that helps increasing synergies and closer relationships with service providers in the Central & South American geography.

Americas region focuses on creating strong member-to-member connections to serve clients and help members to reach their goals through growth-oriented strategies and career-long professional education programs, from first year accountants through the partner group. Members receive support in practice management, superior client service (including access to experts and specialists), technology, marketing, human resources, and profit enhancement.

Get in touch with the Regional Director:

Cindy Frey

Cindy Frey

Americas Executive Committee:

Jana K. Broussard, CPA


Henry & Peters, PC (USA)

Patrick Smith, CPA, CGA

Vice Chair/Chair Elect

Empire CPA – Maple Ridge (Canada)

Heidi L. LaMarca, CPA

Immediate Past Chair

Windham Brannon, LLC (USA)

Lance G. Weiss, CPA, CVA


SFW Partners, LLC (USA)

Jon K. Pellish, CPA, MBA


Chiampou Travis Besaw & Kershner LLP (USA)

The Asia Pacific region has the fastest-growing economy in the world, along with some of the world’s best economic performers. This region’s growth is fuelled by favourable finance, foreign investment and competition policies applied using international best practices.

In a region where economies are quickly changing, AP members are on top of latest developments and provide core services along with advisory, outsourcing and other “one stop” solutions to accessing the Asia Pacific business opportunity.

Get in touch with the Regional Director:

Jean Xu
Regional Board:

Richard Ashby

Gilligan Sheppard Public Accountants
(New Zealand)

Sandeep Bansal

 KNM Management Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd

Greg Cusack


Ashfords Accountants & Advisory Pty Ltd

Gohar Manzoor

Riaz Ahmad, Saqib, Gohar & Co.

Vimala Devi

BSL Tax Services Pte Ltd

Tony Shao

Advisor to the board

China Regal CPAs Co. Ltd (China)

Powering up Europe’s single market with vibrant firms in the Middle East and Africa makes sense for all firms. While the markets in this region vary greatly, its purpose is to provide excellent business services from the Cape of Good Hope to Norway. This region provides specific programming in services for real estate, construction and financial services, alongside expert knowledge on issues such as IFRS and VAT. Specialized committees keep the region dynamic and ensure members have expert knowledge.

Local experience can be mission-critical when it comes to business ventures. Count on this region to deliver specialist forensic accounting services in the UAE, advisory and risk management in Kuwait and tax advisory services in Nigeria, as well as a full suite of services throughout Europe.

Get in touch with the Regional Director:

Marlijn Lawson

Regional Board:

Eric Seyvos


BM&A Partner

Andreas Weinberger

Vice Chair

Wirtschaftstreuhand Group

Rocco Arcidiacono

Fiduciaria Mega SA

Pierre-Olivier Cointe

Caderas Martin S.A.

Carsten Ernst

Wirtschaftstreuhand Group

Martin Gibbs, FCCA

Dafferns LLP
(United Kingdom)

Andre le Prince


Thijs Luchtenburg

DK Accountants & Adviseurs

Zalpha Nassar

Serhal Nassar & Company